If during the days of Carnival mirth, at midpoint of Athens around the Acropolis, a troupe of Satyrs, Maenads and Silenus with vital enthusiasm suddenly, pops up in front of you, do not be surprised. Just follow us!
We don’t want to provoke, but to invite you to participate in an authentic revival of an ancient Greek carnival event.
We do not wish to offend you with our primordial phallic symbols, but to thrill you with the Dionysian ecstatic character of this feast!
We do not want just to revive, but experience, with appropriate respect, Greek events that- despite the passage of years- have revived in the traditions of our land!
The Route
Just like 1,700 years ago, the procession of Phalliphoria follows in the footsteps of the ancestors, in the historic center of Athens, under the shadow of the Acropolis, where the pulse of Greek culture is still alive.